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DermaFix ACC Vitamin C Serum

$145.00Inc GST

Delivers photo-protective capabilities, neutralising free-radicals, helping build collagen and providing unmatched anti-oxidant protection.SKU:DF073SKU:DF073

ACC Vitamin C Serum – 57ml


3-in-1 Hyperpigmentation, Ageing and Breakout Treatment

This High Potency formula of Vitamin C, ACC Vitamin C,  is a revolutionary anti-oxidant combination that delivers photo-protective capabilities, neutralising free-radicals, helping build collagen and providing unmatched anti-oxidant protection. More protection means more youthful looking skin and better defence against environmental ageing.



After cleansing and toning, apply ACC Vitamin C directly to skin or add 2-3 drops into your DermaFix moisturiser or corrective product. Use ACC Vitamin C twice daily or as recommended by your Skin Care professional. Protect with DermaShield SPF50 – Zinc Oxide High Protection Sunscreen..


Key Ingredients

  • Vitamin C
  • Niacinamide
  • Stay C®


A powerful anti-oxidant enhancer
Grade 1&2 Acne control
Helps inhibit Melanin production to lighten skin
Reduces fine lines and wrinkles
Firms Sagging Skin



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