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Dermalux LED Triwave Compact LED System


Suited to

Ideal where space is an issue, the Compact is a tabletop version of the Tri-Wave and features the same LED specification.

The Tri-Wave Compact system delivers clinically proven Blue 415nm, Red 633nm and Near Infrared 830nm wavelengths via proprietary LEDs to ensure focused and optimised penetration of light into the skin. The Dermalux Concurrent Modality treatment enables all three wavelengths to be delivered as individual or multi wavelength treatments for maximum skin enhancing results.

The Compact system has pre-set treatment programmes for a range of skin specific conditions, combination treatments and post treatment protocols. Each pre-set programme is a 20-minute session and 10 minutes for post treatment. There is also a custom programme setting for bespoke protocols with a time range from 1 minute to 30 minutes.

Flexible positioning of the LED head enables treatments to be carried out in a seated or lying down position.

• Table top system, ideal where space is an issue
• Tri-Wave treatment head with 5 LED panels
• Pre-set programmes for skin specific conditions
• Patented fully automated compact design
• Multi-positioning for seated and lie down treatments

For further information and Pricing or to book a demo please call 0800 406 416 or email [email protected] 


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